Dysfunctional Rambler

Thoughts, Views, & Other Random Ramblings

Senior Year, Baby!!!!!!!!!

Hey Guys!!!!!

I know I havent written on here in quite some time, but I’m excited to get back to blogging!!!!!!! I am currently in my senior year of high school and I must say that I love it! It is stressful, however, with high costs and senior projects, but it is so worth the prize in the end- GRADUATION!!!!!!! 🙂 So recently, I finally created a youtube account, but there is not much to view yet because I have no videos……. funny, right? Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to make a video with my friends and will post it up there. My username is LaMexicant – I think its funny 🙂 – check it out sometime after tomorrow hopefully. Alright thats it O.o.    THANKS

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Check out the music player on the left sidebar. —–> It plays music that it recommends to me based upon the music I told it that I already liked. Pretty cool, huh? If you think this is sweet, make yourself your own LastFM account and download this widget Hope you guys enjoy! ~Live long and prosper!

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A Lively Twister

Personification Poem for twister

An anger stricken home wrecker,

A home, hope, and dream attacker,

A natural disaster with great force,

That destroys everything in it’s course,

Like a dog without its bone,

Why it wants revenge isn’t known,

Life’s are ruined, lives are at stake,

Don’t disturb the windy giant or he’ll give the city an ache.

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Make sure and check out the shoutbox. It’s the third thing down on the side bar. Even better yet, leave a comment!!! Insomnia Prevails!! ~ Dysfunctional Rambler 😯

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Blah Blah Blah. So bored! School was pretty boring but did have some fun at lunch. Made my friend Justin laugh so hard that he made food fly out of his mouth all the way across the freakin table!!! Severely funny and gross!!!! It seemed to go in slow motion so I was able to dodge the partially chewed, saliva covered bullet. I swear I thought he was going to die. Then, rode the bus and laughed at little seven-year-olds who had expensive grand cell phones but did not know how to use them. WTF!!! Or as Nick would say in ROTC, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!!! When I got home, I did some laundry because some clean clothes were needed, and let it be known that I have, and probably always will, hate folding! After that, I went on Facebook and killed some time doing totally useless, childish and somehow fun stuff. Finally, I went to one of my friend’s website and followed his links to is sister’s website which I have to say is amazing!!! She writes stories and just pretty much rambles about whatever. You should check it out, it’s: www.http://fabricatedmayhem.webs.com/Now, however, I’m extremely bored so, ddsddsddsdadasdalddajldasdshfasfasofsolfsdofasofsahovdofasof

~El Fin~

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~The Real Teenage Mutant NInja Turtles~

~They have risen from their plant habitats to kick the butts of the hermit crabs that invaded their territory!! ~

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I came home Tuesday night and I went into my room to take out one of my two “female” hamsters and with her came three baby hamsters! This totally freaked me out!!!! Two months prior to that night I bought two dwarf hamsters at Petco which I was told were both girls. I was also told it was ok to put them in the same cage, so I did. I had caught one of the hamsters, houdini (who I have now concluded is a male) , humping my other hamster, Bunny, but didn’t think too much of it. I know this was stupid of me but for some reason I thought of it as rough housing instead of sex.

I now have six small babies with their mother in one cage and the father all alone in another because I caught Houdini humping Bunny just about an hour after she gave birth. I have already found homes for three and I am considering keeping one but I still need good homes for two more.

To my suprise, Bunny has not eaten the two that I accidently touched. ( I read they eat their young if human scent is on them) I can’t wait to see how cute they are!!!! But I am still totally pissed 😈 at Petco!!!!!!!!!!:(

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I recently recieved a letter from my friend Addie. (Check her mom’s site at: http://www.pbase.com/yazziegirl/profile ) Her signature at the end of her message was as follows:

(=’.’=) This is bunny. I wanna help him gain world domination. Copy
(“)_(“) and paste him into your signature to help him too!

I thought that this was so cool that it became my signature too! Just like he says, feel free to copy and paste him into your signature as well. He is depending on YOU to help him gain World Domination!!

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Finally after a couple of months I have finally decided to settle down and write a new story. But honestly I’ve only gotten the preface done. It is only a few lines but I think I know what direction I would like to take with this story. You can check it out by clicking on “My stories” at the top of this page or just simply be lazy (and I don’t blame you) by clicking on the link below:

Rags to Unhappy Riches Preface

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